50 Peace Nigerian Media Networks Celebrate 5 Years of Promoting Interfaith Harmony week through Mont

In by hafsat mohamm

In commemoration of World International Interfaith Week and Harmony 2024, a coalition of 50 peace-focused Nigerian media networks marks their 5th anniversary  monthly peace journalism dialoque meeting.
 Since their inception The group has been dedicated to fostering peace and inter-religious tolerance through their news reportage, programs, and documentaries.  Over the past 5 years, these media outlets have consistently championed peace by strengthening the skills of journalists, bloggers, and filmmakers across all 36 states of Nigeria.
 Their efforts have focused on de-escalating conflicts, easing tensions, and preventing ethno-religious political crises, particularly in the northern part of the country. Mrs. Mayen Etims, the Secretary general of the media network in northern Nigeria, emphasizes how the principles of World Interfaith Week and Harmony have guided their dedication to reporting peace-related news. She highlights the importance of their work in promoting unity through radio and television stations. She said we are cerebrating a Decade of Dedication: 
50 Nigerian Media Networks Excel in Nurturing Interfaith Unity and Combatting Fake News In a significant achievement, the Network of Peace Journalists, comprising 50 dedicated journalists in Kaduna State, has successfully combated fake news, mitigated conflicts, and promoted unity in Northwestern Nigeria. 
Their focus on peace-building journalism has played a vital role in de-escalating conflicts and crises in the region. Mrs. Etims notes that their impact has gone beyond reducing the prevalence of fake news. Their coverage addresses ethno-religious, political, and regional challenges, actively working to mitigate cultural clashes and contribute to the restoration of peace and unity. “Over the course of 5 years, using the monthly peace journalism workshops organized by the Interfaith Mediation Center and Mercy Corp, the Network of Peace Journalists has conducted a series of peace journalism conferences, training over 500 journalists in the country.” 
These workshops and conferences have equipped participants with essential tips and techniques to promote religious tolerance and development journalism. “One notable achievement of their reporting has been enlightening farmers and herders on the importance of peace and unity, resulting in a reduction of annual battles during the harvest season. This showcases the tangible positive outcomes of their peace-building journalism efforts.” 
As part of their commitment to Interfaith Week, the group plans to use the occasion to educate the general public on the importance of peace in communities through programs, news bulletins, and entertainment. They annually organize an Interfaith Week gathering, bringing together tribes and different faith-based organizations to promote better understanding. 
According to her, The Network of Peace Journalists remains steadfast in its mission to contribute to a harmonious society through responsible and impactful journalism Interfaith harmony week using start from 1st of february to 7th ,