In by Ven. Dr. Miaolung

In February, Fo Guang Shan held the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week events. It is typically held at the UN Headquarters here in New York. It is a big, fun and informative celebration that brings people of many backgrounds and faiths together to promote peace. We have shared the panel with Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Islamic leaders. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic since 2020, we can no longer meet in person. We have had to change many aspects of our lives. This includes how we learn, how we work, how we get around, and how we interact with our colleagues, friends and families. This has been a challenging year. Venerable Master Hsing Yun said that, during the times when we encounter difficulties and negative situations, what we need to do is establish faith. It is faith that brings confidence and strength. When we feel confident that our values are good and beautiful, we will have strength. We can improve our lives, take control of our future, and strive for greater social welfare.