Scarritt Bennett Breakfast to celebrate 2nd World Interfaith Harmony Week

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By Turner McCullough, Jr. | January 30, 2012 |

Scarritt Bennett Center sets celebration of 2nd annual World Interfaith Harmony Week with kick-off breakfast February 1.

Scarritt Bennett Center announces plans to celebrate the second annual World Interfaith Harmony Week. This year the center will host its monthly Common Table Breakfast, February 1, as the kick-off event marking the week. The breakfast will be held 8 to 10 a.m. in the Raintree Room. Cost is $15.

In response to the United Nations designating the first week of February as World Interfaith Harmony Week, Rabbi Rami and Rev. Tim Miner created this global breakfast celebration of human religiosity. Breakfasts were held in a dozen countries last year, and the hope is to expand it this year.

Building on Scarritt Bennett’s monthly Common Table breakfast, the Nashville Interfaith Harmony breakfast features music and speakers from different traditions joining to celebrate the diversity, depth and richness of Nashville’s religious life.

More info: (615) 320-1182 or [email protected]