HRH Prince Ghazi has long held a deep interest in the religions. His far-sighted vision for the need for a global interreligious dialogue has led to numerous initiatives.
The ‘Open Letter to the Pope’ , was one of the first Muslim led international interfaith initiatives and marked the beginning of a new era of dialogue between Muslim and Christian leaders. This letter evolved into the ‘A Common Word’ dialogue whereby hundreds of religious scholars and intellectuals have agreed on the basis of the two supreme commandments of ‘Love of God, and Love of the neighbour’. The fruition of ‘A Common Word’ came as a response for a dire need to promote interfaith harmony in a world still often tarnished with fear, hatred and strife.
Ever since, Jordan has become the center of interreligious outreach in the Muslim world. Under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Kingdom has become the birthplace of a plethora of noble initiatives to promote peace and understanding between the world’s different communities.
As Special Advisor and Personal Envoy to King Abdullah II, Prince Ghazi was the perfect choice to present the King’s proposal for a World Interfaith Harmony Week at the UN on October 2010. It was adopted unanimously.