Youth for Peace and Development: Universal Peace Federation – UK, World Interfaith Harmony Week
City: London
44 7956 210768
Universal Peace Federation UK
Online event: Register - https://bit.ly/3bGwz2x
We would like to invite you to a World Interfaith Harmony Week programme on February 4th at 6pm by zoom. This will be an opportunity to introduce to a wider audience a proposal to establish a series of Youth Service Projects in the United Kingdom, which would enable 18 to 30 year-old, to collaborate with their peers from a variety of ethnic, religious and social backgrounds, while developing altruism, friendship beyond difference and learning associated with effective community service. The details of the programme are still being discussed and developed so it is an exciting time to come on board and help us in its design.
We have a growing panel of public figures who will be ‘patrons’ to promote the project. There is also a group of activists from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds with connections to youth and experience in project management who will collaborate to bring this proposal into reality during 2021-22
Draft Programme: 6 pm Thursday, 4th February, 2021
18:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks - Keith Best
18:03 Outline of the proposed Youth for Peace and Development Project - Tim Miller
18:07 Learning from past projects Religious Youth Service (RYS) video/slides - Dr David Earle
18:20 Testimonies from RYS participants
18:30 Developing the Project - Robin Marsh and Margaret Ali
18:40 Statements of support from ‘Patrons’ - Professor Lord Parekh, Anthea McIntyre, Sheikh Nuru Mohamed and Carole Stone CBE
18:55 Questions and Comments
19.15 Finish
This will be an inspiring event highlighting the life changing experiences that others have had on similar, earlier Religious Youth Service programmes. This model now has a 30 plus year history of combining young people from a wide variety of backgrounds in service projects in many nations around the world. You are welcome to invite your friends and colleagues who you think maybe interested. For more understanding of the programme intended please see the first part of the explanation on this link.
It is intended that a UK launch project in early 2022 probably in London or Birmingham, will be followed by several local projects during the remainder of 2022 in different parts of the UK, where participants can implement the skills they have learned with the support of project mentors. Those who fulfil local projects successfully would be invited to a Youth Achievers Awards ceremony in Parliament for recognition of their accomplishment.
Register through this link
We look forward to seeing you in this programme.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Miller Project Coordinator / Trustee, UPF - UK
Dr David and Patricia Earle Trustee, UPF - UK based in Birmingham
Margaret Ali Director, UPF - UK
Robin Marsh Secretary General, UPF - UK
Universal Peace Federation UK
UK Charity Number 1185412 A donation can be made through this link
UPF is an NGO in General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN
Twitter: @ukUPF Email: [email protected] Web: www.uk.upf.org