World Interfaith Harmony Week Sacred Spaces: Live Celebration of Imbolc Earth Spirit Society of Nova Scotia

In by zeinab


Country: Canada
  • Organizer

    ESSNS (pronounced ‘essence’)

  • Location

    UU Church, 5500 Inglis St, Halifax NS.

Doors open at 6:30pm for Intro talk, Ritual begins at 7:00pm. Stay afterwards for snacks and conversation. ESSNS (pronounced ‘essence’) offers the Pagan rituals of the Wheel of the Year in both live and electronic formats. We meet socially every month at our Merry Meets, which are also both live and via the net. We represent at multi-faith events such as Pride and offer educational panels to the general public. ESSNS is a round table with members from many Spiritual Paths, including: Asatru, Druids, Eclectics, Heathens, Wicca, Witches and others. Love of the Earth, personal responsibility and respect are our most common values. We gather for our mutual growth, in the upward spiral that is life.