– World Interfaith Harmony Week – online Webinar

In by zeinab



Country: United Kingdom
  • Organizer

    Universal Peace Federation - UK

  • Location

    Facebook live

Happy and Blessed , 1 -7 of February 2023 Christian leader, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, "God is not upset that Gandhi was not a Christian, because God is not a Christian! ' " An online webinar with prominent leaders of different faiths will be held on the 7pm (GMT), 7th of February to end the week. Harriet Crabtree OBE Exec Director of the Interfaith Network UK Sheikh Nuru Mohammed Co-Chair of Citizens UK in Birmingham Paul Gutteridge Honorary Fellow at the Edward Cadbury Centre, Birmingham University Dr. Mike Balcomb FFWPU President Europe and the Middle East Dr. Lakshmi Vyas President of the Hindu Forum of Europe There will be responses from some political figures.