World Interfaith Harmony Week

In by zeinab



Country: United Kingdom
  • 2.30pm – 2.50pm Silent Meditation or Prayer
  • 2.50pm – 3.10pm Study Session The Priest will study Psalms 86, 98 and 145 (Psalm numbering according to The Catholic Bible) Psalm 86 86:1 Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me… Psalm 98 98:1 O sing unto the LORD a new song… Psalm 145 145:1 I will extol thee, my God, O king… People are welcome to study any religious text
  • 3.10pm – 3.25pm Silent Meditation or Prayer
  • 3.25pm – 3.30pm Prayer and Blessing The Priest will recite The Lord’s Prayer which starts Our Father…
  • People are welcome to recite any prayer or chant The Priest will recite as a Blessing a Benediction Prayer (The Bible Numbers 6:24-26) May the Lord Bless You And Keep You. The Lord Make His Face Shine Upon You And Be Gracious to You. The Lord Turn His Face Towards You And Give You Peace. The Lord give His Holy Benediction Amen. People are welcome to recite any Blessing
People are advised that no event will take place online, but that people are asked to take part knowing that others will also be doing the same