World Interfaith Harmony Week

In by zeinab


Country: United States
  • Organizer

    Emily Gould

Have you ever heard of World Interfaith Harmony Week? I heard about it for the first time yesterday. Since 2010, the first week in February has been designated as an opportunity for people of faith to come together in mutual love and respect with open minds and open hearts. It is a time to celebrate differences and focus on living in harmony with all people. It sounds like something we should be doing every day ❤️ We have a long way to go and a lot of work to be done, but I’m grateful to know that the conversation has been started. In an effort to participate in World Interfaith Harmony Week I’d love to hear what your beliefs are or to learn about the things that are sacred to you. Please share with me below or send me a message. I’m so interested in the things we can learn from each other ❤️ I included a photo of me with my scriptures. I study the Bible (mainly the King James Version, but I LOVE learning from multiple Bible sources), the Book of Mormon (another testament of Jesus Christ that is a companion to the Bible), the Doctrine and Covenants (modern revelation given to the early prophets during the restoration), and the Pearl of Great Price (excerpts from ancient Egyptian papyri from the writings of the prophet Abraham). What do you study? What brings your heart peace? What mantra do you live by? So excited to learn from you! *Please remember that this is a SAFE space for ALL people to share their beliefs. Just as your values are important to you, others values are important to them. I encourage others to openly ask questions but to do so with love and respect for others. If you choose to respond to someone in an unkind way, your comment will be deleted.