World Interfaith Harmony Week

In by zeinab


Country: India
Today, in #pluralismforpeace, we have the honor of taking a peek into the multifaith, multicultural home of the legendary peace activist, Lalita Ramdas. Lolly akka (84), as she is known to her loved ones, shares snapshots of the many sacred objects and how they arrived in the life she has built with admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas. "An old portrait of Guru Nanak, which we recovered from a heap of old frames in the old city (Hyderabad). Three icons ...Jesus and mother Mary, bought over the years from Greece, Russia, and Germany. A terracotta model of the last supper from Goa. A beautiful Buddha statue from Burma.. And when my mother and grandma were alive, people would always look askance to see a beautifully painted kalma with 'La Ilaha Illallah' occupying a special place on the puja room wall. As also a beautiful statuette of Virgin Mary on the marble slab along with Shiva, Ganesha, Lakshmi and others."