World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 – Prayers and Words to Create Harmony

In by



2120 Academy Circle, Suite B

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Country: United Kingdom
  • Organizer

    UK - Universal Peace Federation

  • Location

    43 Lancaster Gate London W2 3NA

  • Email

    [email protected]. org

Dear Friends,

In the 1990's we held a series of prayers for peace that featured many causes and issues around the world. We wanted to revive this for the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 programme encompassing both short speeches highlighting the good features of faiths other than our own and prayers for conflicts that do not include our own faith community on the world stage.

Rev Dr Marcus Braybrooke will be one of the main leaders for this programme. The Holocaust Educator and Kinder transport child, Ruth Barnett, will also be speaking. Sheikh Dr Hojjat Ramzy, Cllr Liaquat Ali MBE and Prof. Harbhajan Singh will be making contributions in devotion or to address the audience. Other speakers will be announced in due course.

One of the founding purposes of the Universal Peace Federation was to bring religious leaders together on an inter-religious council. The qualification for those leaders was said to be living for the sake of others. That would be a group that could think beyond their own religious institutions and members to deal with issues as a parent caring for the family of humanity. The founding UPF principle of ‘humanity being one family under a loving and inclusive God’ seems simple but it has profound implications for the conduct of human relations. We would like to consider how we can step forward towards this ideal.

Register through the button above to reserve your seat. We look forward to meet you.

Yours sincerely,

Robin Marsh, UPF-UK Secretary General - Mobile: 07956210768

Margaret Ali, UPF-UK Director - Mobile: 07723024750

Joyce Suda, UPF-UK Director - Mobile: 07903311052