World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019
COPE Pakistan CC
Pak Arab Housing Scheme Ferouezpur Road Lahore Pakistan
Country: Pakistan
City: Lahore
World Interfaith Harmony Week is based on UNGA Resolution A/65/PV.34 for a worldwide week of interfaith harmony. It was proposed in 2010 by HM King Abdullah II and HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan. All around the world, organizations, and individuals host events during the first week of February to help neighbors of different faiths get to know each other and build a foundation for more peaceful and friendly communities. World Interfaith Harmony Week encourages grassroots events that link people together in a global wave of understanding, respect, and action. The World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform—one week in a year—when all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill can show the world what a powerful movement they are. World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW), the first week of every February, is a special time to celebrate and make real the vision of interfaith harmony for all.
URI Women Wing Pakistan organized a program with the title of Joining Global Community WIN URI in Prayer on 7th February.2019 at Lahore, Pakistan. Twenty five participants attended this WIHW program. They were the members of different Cooperation Circles as WAKE CC, COPE Pakistan CC, Bright Future CC, Paras Welfare Foundation CC, Women and Children Program CC and Amman Pukar Foundation. Majority of the participants were women, they came from different religions as Muslims and Christian.
Sr.Sabina Rifat Coordinator URI Women Wing Pakistan warmly welcomed all participants and said that you are very blessed people by Lord because today you are the part of this great event WIHW. Today we are together from different religions and faiths. We will prayer, meditate and celebrate. We will share joy, love, singing and food with one another for the promotion of interfaith harmony and Peace.
Mr. Asher Nazir Executive Secretary URI Pakistan gave the introduction about World Interfaith Harmony Week. He said that the World Interfaith Harmony Week stem from the idea that humanity is bound together by the two shared commandments of 'Love of God and Love of the Neighbor' or 'Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbor'
Pastor Inderyas Younis,Faisal Ilyas, Ms.Asifa Sheikh, Ms.Shamim Faiz and Pastor Whaeed shared this World is very beautiful and full of nature and for us this is a heaven. Lord blessed all that for us and we are thankful to Lord for this great gift. We are living in different religions, different colors, different countries, and different tribes and cultures but we are the most beautiful creation of Lord. Lord Loves to everybody and His grace for all humanity. Lord cares for us. He gives us food, water, shelter, rain, fruit, family, friends, relations, time, and very important LIFE. In this World nobody can give us life but Lord can give us life because He has the right. Every person is beautiful and wonderful creation of Lord. So we are thankful to Lord for this beautiful World and all blessings. If we kill anybody then we work against Lord and every religion is against this action. If we want to live happily and in peace then serve the humanity, Love other, Eat and live with other, accept others, work with others for their prosperity together. We are all brother and sister and we should accept each other. There were peace songs, poems and open discussion on the questions: How can we promote in terfiath harmony in our own respective places. Interfaith prayers were offered by Christian and Muslims participants for the World Peace. A special prayer was offered for all URI members. Sr.Sabina Rifat thanked URI global and URI Pakistan for its cooperation.
News links of YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9DHdoUKi1I
News links Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2398882723468641&id=100000408109133¬if_id=1549530585944214¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic
May peace prevail on Earth!
Report Prepared by:
Asher Nazir
Executive Secretary
URI Pakistan
City: Lahore