Women Encounter: Women’s Feast and Stories of Faith

In by Elizabeth P. Olesen



Country: Denmark
City: Kolding
Women of different cultures and religions mark the UN WIFHW by setting aside the last Saturday of February as day of celebration . Women introduce themselves, learn to know each other by their names. They bring food, eat together, lead in a dance or dances which we can dance together, sing songs and share their stories of faith, What does their religious faith mean to them? Women Encounter  is an event that takes place every last Saturday of  the month, observed by women of different cultures and religions , one of the services of the Cross Cultural Ministry of Kolding Deanery.  The Women's Committee has decided to set aside February 29 as the concluding  event  to highlight the  observance of UN  World InterFaith Harmony Week.  This particular event also allows participation of the children of the participating women.  Women are encouraged to wear  their national costumes if they have. Flags of different countries will also be displayed. Women love colours and celebrations of life.