webinar on Interfaith harmony and it,s role in minimizing armed conflicts and reduction of human suffering

In by barati


Baitur Rahman Mosque

9570 River Road, Delta

Country: Iran
City: Qom


On this day(2004-02-6) ,we held a webinar on the above mentioned topic .The webinars chairman was Dr. Meysam Javadnia and the presenter was Dr. Abbasali barati and two criticizers were Dr. Tawfiq Asadof and Dr.Seyed Mohammad Tabatabi all of them lecturers in the MOU(Al-Musfata Open university.The debate and discussion was concenterated on the topc and clarification of the concept of "Harmony" and the benefits of it and how to reread and rethink the religiou teachings to be able to promote harmony and even to include Atheists and gnosticas and skepists..How the substitude war and hostility by love and mercy and how to renew the religious messages and teachings in this regard.All of the participants agreed upon the need to teach these values to our students and to do more research and knowledge prodution in this field.