Uniting in the Fight Against Sexual Gender Based Violence Against Youth and Women Living with HIV in Phalombe

In by



Phalombe CC

Phalombe CC

Organized By

Phalombe CC

Country: Malawi
During this period, Phalombe Youth Arms Organisation will engage Health Personnel, Faith Leaders, Local Leaders and Traditional Leaders to discuss the ways and strategies on how to reduce sexual and gender based violence that are in increase in the district. violence against women and girls living with HIV in the district are contributing to low HIV testing and ART service uptake in the district due to traditional and religious cultural beliefs. This has resulted in conflicts in the communities due to the differences in beliefs\n\nThe community dialogue and engagement sessions will help to draws strategies of ensuring there is tolerance amongst people and faiths whilst encouraging health seeking behaviours."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":4482,"4":[null,2,16777215],"10":2,"11":4,"15":"arial,sans,sans-serif"}">During this period, Phalombe Youth Arms Organisation will engage Health Personnel, Faith Leaders, Local Leaders and Traditional Leaders to discuss the ways and strategies on how to reduce sexual and gender based violence that are in increase in the district. violence against women and girls living with HIV in the district are contributing to low HIV testing and ART service uptake in the district due to traditional and religious cultural beliefs. This has resulted in conflicts in the communities due to the differences in beliefs The community dialogue and engagement sessions will help to draws strategies of ensuring there is tolerance amongst people and faiths whilst encouraging health seeking behaviours. 1. Phalombe District Health Office 2. Phalombe Social Welfare Office 3. New Life Anointed Ministries 4. Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS 5. Phalombe District AIDS Coordinating Committee 6. Phalombe District CSO Network 7. Phalombe District Youth Network