United Through Storytelling
Country: Canada
City: Toronto Canada
City: Toronto Canada
Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association
chapter AAP
- Personal Narratives: Experience the magic of storytelling as individuals from various faiths and backgrounds share personal stories highlighting act of kindness that reflect their unique experiences, and values.
- Interactive Story Circles: Participate in interactive story circles where attendees can share their own stories, listen to others, and engage in meaningful conversations. These sessions will create an intimate and inclusive atmosphere, encouraging open dialogue and connection.
- Panel Discussions: Join thought-provoking panel discussions featuring storytellers, faith leaders, and community representatives. These panels will explore themes of interfaith harmony, cultural diversity, and the role of storytelling in building bridges between communities.
- Networking Opportunities: Build connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a spirit of collaboration and understanding. This event provides a unique platform for attendees to connect, share, and learn from one another.
- Promote interfaith dialogue and understanding.
- Highlight the common values shared by different faiths and cultures.
- Encourage empathy and mutual respect through personal stories.
- Celebrate the diversity and richness of our community.