Understanding Muslim Neighbors Seminar for Jews

In by zeinab



Country: United States
  • Organizer

    Abrahamic Alliance International University

  • Location


UNDERSTANDING MUSLIM NEIGHBORS is an intensive, in-depth seminar for the Jewish community to build bridges of understanding and respect with Muslims. In two full days with a world-class scholar on Islam, this seminar navigates through a maze of conflicting information and stereotypes to equip Jews with the knowledge and tools to better understand and collaborate with Muslims in tikkun olam. Part I: KNOWING MUSLIMS What Muslims really believe about God, Torah, and Jews Expressions of Judaism that Muslims appreciate most Muslim sensitivities every Jew should know Common ground and differences between Muslims and Jews Arabs and Muslims in Jewish teachings Muhammad's relationship with Jews Understanding the Qur’an and Hadith Islamic spirituality and Jewish parallels Islamic law, states, and traditions Islamic holy days and ritual PART II: RESPONDING TO MUSLIMS Implications of the Qur'an for Jews Multiple monotheisms?• Covenant and “Chosenness” in Islam Agreement and Disagreement between Jews and Muslims Kosher and halal• Muslim prayer and clergy Islamic faith and Muhammad's Prophethood Muslims, mission, and jihad• What the Qur’an really says about Jews Jihad, Israel, and Palestine Muslim views of The Holocaust PART III: STUDYING SCRIPTURE WITH MUSLIMS Navigating sacred vocabulary Pitfalls to avoid Abraham and Isaac in the Qur’an Cain and Abel in the Qur’an Jewish and Muslim interpretive approaches “Hot button” issues for Jews and for Muslims Instructor: Prof. Rabbi Reuven Firestone