Tree Planting for WIHW

In by zeinab



Country: Malawi
  • Organizer

    Karonga Nthora

  • Location

    Mzuzu, Karonga

Tree planting:  On the 1st of February 2020, Karonga Nthora organised a tree planting programme to combat the climatic change we are experiencing today globally. If we are to live in harmony with our Mother Earth, we need to treat her the way we treat our mothers; with love. In return, we will see how lovingly she treats us with what we receive from her every day. We are destroying her in everyday living in so many ways to benefit ourselves, but we fail to recover the wounds we have caused on our Mama Earth. Let's build her up by planting more trees and do whatever it can take to protect her. If you don't give maintenance to a leaking house, expect to sleep in a worse condition for the rest of your life. If we don't take care of our Mother Earth at any level, let's expect to face great problems - some of which we are facing today. For WIHW, our Cooperation Circle helped the school learners and community to plant more trees - and still keep on planting. The challenge is, we didn't have enough tree seedlings to be planted in our whole community, as we do just buy them. The contributed money was not enough to buy more trees, but the tress we had were planted at the school with the school learners. Let's hold hands to safeguard our Mother Planet Earth.