City: Charleston South Carolinsa
CITY OF _________________
WHEREAS, Throughout history, our nation has forgotten the fact that we were founded
on freedom of worship, one nation under God, and equality. We have
allowed our differences to dictate our futures, and
WHEREAS, advances in technology have transcended the barriers of time and
distance, leading to the growth of our social, economic, and cultural ties to
the global community as well as challenges in understanding
and communicating with our international neighbors, and
WHEREAS, open communication, mutual respect, sincere understanding, and
unilateral cooperation plays a vital role in the promotion of peace and
goodwill among all people and between all nations, and
WHEREAS, affirming our commitment to interfaith harmony, religious liberty, and
tolerance for diverse traditions and beliefs contributes to our continued
strength and prosperity, and
WHEREAS, we agree to serve on an international partnership encompassing every culture, race, faith, and gender on the face of the earth. The World Conference of Mayors, and the Black Townships, stands ready to enter into a partnership with Universities, faith groups, other cities and towns within our state, nation, and world to identify community problems, develop solutions to those problems, and begin to develop a "New Beginning" in 2020 to strive to develop a world community where love and compassion replace hate and killing. A world where every person on earth can rise to their potential where we all realize we are one race, the human race, just different shades.
Now, Therefore, I, __________ Mayor of the City of do hereby claim February as
Johnny Ford, Bishop John Bulinda WCM, Dyann Robinson HBTSA,
Howie Comen and Edith Joachimpillai Copper&Cobalt Consulting