The Old Women Revolution
City: Buenos Aires
The Unakita CC participated in the Meeting The Revolution of the old women in 1/3 Castelar area, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was a meeting of approximately 20 women. All older adults addressing the problem of a dignified life. The Unakita CC participated by proposing workshops of emotional dependence and self-esteem for the empowerment of older women, Comprehensive Sexual Education to prevent diseases and be informed and to be able to inform our children and grandchildren, recover desire, recognize our dreams, share group spaces to cope with loneliness in the company of other women. We talk about abuse and violence to be able to denature the concept and thus be able to live in harmony, peace and love. The impact of our C.C on society is active and participatory in order to unite all women to empower us and work on prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and recover space for union and empathy. We talked about URI since in these meetings there were women of different religions united for the same purpose, love and peace.