Country: United States
South Dakota Synod of the ELCA and Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota
Lutheran Memorial Church (320 E Prospect Ave, Pierre, SD 57501)

Join the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota for the sixth annual Interfaith Day at the State Capitol in Pierre, SD on February 12, 2024.
Honoring our commitment to the free exercise of religious faith, guaranteed by the First Amendment, we would be grateful if you joined us for a day at the Capitol as we engage in conversations and pray for peace with our neighbors of all faiths across the state of South Dakota.
Schedule for the Day:
9 AM - Morning Coffee and Briefing at Lutheran Memorial Church (320 E Prospect Ave, Pierre, SD 57501)
10:30 AM - Morning Prayer in the Rotunda
Following the morning prayer, lunch (kosher and halal) will be served at Lutheran Memorial Church.
1 PM - Legislative Session Begins (time subject to change;
To help us with planning purposes, please RSVP.