Starts in 15 Hours, 6 Minutes
Country: United States
City: Bristol, Connecticut
Bristol Interfaith Coalition
Asbury United Methodist Church
[email protected]
The Bristol Interfaith Coalition is proud to sponsor a social hour and Q&A session for World Interfaith Harmony Week. Hosted by Asbury United Methodist Church, we will begin with coffee and refreshments before moving to a panel representing multiple faith communities within Bristol and the surrounding areas. The panelists will explain some of the tenets of their faith, share about their faith communities, and highlight a specific holiday that has special meaning to the panelist. Questions from the audience will be gathered during the social hour and asked during the panel so that all can learn more about their neighbors of differing beliefs.
The Q&A session will be videoed and posted on the Bristol Interfaith Coalition's Facebook page at the end of World Interfaith Harmony Week.