Sharing of Interfaith Religious Education Materials on the Moral Status of Animals

In by zeinab



Country: United Kingdom
City: Ivybridge
  • Organizer

    Barbara Gardner

  • Location

    56 Cole Lane, Ivybridge, Devon

  • Email

The Animal Interfaith Alliance (AIA) has partnered with Veganism in Education (VinE) and RE Today to produce new interfaith religious education teaching materials on the moral status of animals and ethical veganism as a worldview. We will be promoting these exciting new interfaith RE teaching materials during WIHW, through newsletters and social media. Further details about the teaching materials can be found here: We will also be promoting our Spirited Arts competition on the theme of "All God's Creatures?" which is organised by the UK's National Association of Teacher of RE (NATRE) and is open to children all over the world. Further details can be found here: