Self Discovery, Introspection and Stillness: Love of God, Love of Good, Love of Neighbour, Love of Self

In by Shiv Talwar



Country: Canada
City: Waterloo, Ontario
This event will focus on knowledge and practices of Self Discovery, Introspection and Stillness to experience the unseen spirit-energy at the core of our being that connects us with the universe. Register at the link above to join to join. What am I? Who am I? Where do I come from? How do I get here? What is my innate nature? How does my innate nature develop? How can I be happy? How can I live a healthy life? Who and what are you? How do I relate with you so that we can live in peace and harmony? How can I live in harmony with my neighbour whosoever that neighbour may be? Why are peace and harmony so elusive? These are some of the questions that are related with our journey of self discovery. This event is meant to be interactive. Come share your opinions as we listen to the opinions of others. See the hourly schedule of presentations at and register at the link above and receive your personal zoom URL to join this virtual event.