Seeds of Peace: Growing a New Alliance of Virtue
Country: United States
City: Los Angeles, CA
City: Los Angeles, CA
Southern California Committee for the Parliament of World's Religions
A conversation about faith-based organizations and grassroots peacebuilders united in mutual agreement and cooperative action to save our planet!
TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2021 at 1:00pm PST No Cost, Register Now
Featuring…- Ms. Audrey Kitagawa, JD (President, International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation)
- Dr. Azza Karam (Secretary General, Religions for Peace)
- Rev. Susan Hayward (Senior Advisor, U.S. Institute of Peace; Visiting Fellow, Harvard Divinity School)
in dialogue with…
- Dr. Richard Rose (University of Laverne Director of the Ecumenical Center for Black Church Studies)
- Eric Kowalcyzk (Strategia Consulting)
- Rev. Debrah Daya Friedland-vanZyl (Co-director, All Paths Divinity School)
- Rev. Andre Van Zijl (Co-founder, Awareness Now Projects)
- Quincy Coleman (Founder, H-OM-E)
- Swami Atmatattwananda (Vedanta Society of Southern California)
- Patrick Horn (Fellow, Institute for Digital Civic Culture)
in support of…
- United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week
- Faith Action for Sustainable Development
- One Trillion Trees Initiative