Religious Tourism as factor of achieving religious tolerance in Albania

In by zeinab



Country: Albania
City: Tirana
  • Organizer

    Department of Theology & Culture & Religious Tourism Forum, College University Logos

  • Location

    Dritan Hoxha Road across Hall of Sports “Asllan Rusi”, Tirana

  • Email

    [email protected]

The Department of Theology & Culture of College University Logos and The Religious Tourism Forum will organise from 22nd till 25th February a Religious Tourism Week with the participation of academics, tourism agencies, politicians, ambassadors and students. Religious Tourism Forum is an initiative of the Department of Theology & Culture, College University Logos and belongs to the master of science program for religious tourism, which started in the academic year 2021-22. The Religious Tourism Forum (RTF) is a platform of activities that focus on addressing the challenges for the tourism industry and raising awareness for the special sector of religious tourism. Combining the joint efforts of academics, government agencies, travel agencies and foreign embassies, RTF looks forward to promoting religious tourism, creating sustainable development models for religious tourism and strategies to ensure tourism growth. The goal of this event is to show that religious tourism can be a factor of collaboration into achieving in reality religious tolerance in a country like Albania that has 5 main different religious communities with monuments and pilgrimages around the country. The event will present the theoretical factors on how religious tourism will help on achieving religious tolerance and also vivid examples on this collaboration among the communities. The papers and the presentations will be published in a collective volume. In addition, colleagues, academics and students will have the opportunity to present new projects concerning religious tourism and how this can affect the daily life of the religious communities on appreciating their values and treasures, but also how to learn to promote and attract new visitors to the country. Furthermore, on daily base there will round tables, discussion on the possibility on raising awareness on religious tourism and religious tolerance and the promotion of documentaries on the national treasures that are connected with religion. The Religious Tourism Week will be an annual event and will attract the progress of this special sector of tourism by searching onto the positive influence to the religious communities and the relation between them.