Religions, Solidarity, and Ideologies

In by Tarik Cengic IFB coordinator



Country: Bosnia Herzegovina
City: Sarajevo


February 2, (Tuesday), 2021

15.00-15.15 Opening words

15.15-15.35 Inaugural lecture

Tomislav Markovi?, “The Nationalist Subordination of Religion and the Destruction of Plural Society”

15.35-18.15 First Round Table

Religions, Solidarity, and Ideologies

Moderator: Desmond Maurer

15.35-16.35 Part 1

Žarko Papi?, “Poverty as a consequence of political immorality”

Krsto Mijanovi?, “Bosnian Orthodox Christians, Serbs– Responsibility to our Neighbours”

Fra Ivo Markovi?, “Conspiracy Theories and Religion”

Jakob Finci, “Ethnicity and Human Rights”


16.35-16.50 Break


16.50-17.50 Part 2

Rusmir Mahmut?ehaji?, “Two Perspectives on Trust: the Religious and the Naturalistic”

Igor Kožemjakin, “The Tanakh and the Experience of Living with Others”

Nerin Dizdar, “Otherness or Equivalence: How Religious Organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Approach Political Identities”

Fra Mile Babi?, “The Resolution of Contraries within the Abrahamic Tradition”

17.50-18.15 Discussion