Poway Interfaith Team’s 10th Harmony Breakfast

In by Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert



Country: United States
City: Poway, California
  • Harmony Breakfast  February 5th “Cultivating Optimism in Challenging Times”

    Dialogue and Discussion, facilitated by Rev. Michelle Ingalls  

    “2020 Visions of Harmony” - Comparing what each of the faith's Avatars taught before there was a religion. PowerPoint Presentation by Rev. Dr. Steve Albert.

    Reflections:  They each taught the same things about caring about each other, showing love and support for your neighbor and the stranger, and creating peace wherever you go.


It was great! 40 people from different faiths, local government leaders, school board president, police & fire fighters, business leaders, and youth didn't want to leave and talked from 7:30 to 10:45 am.  A college student presented his dreams for a "World Religions" class being introduced into the High School system to an instructor and the head of the school board. 

  • Good food & conversations!

  • Conversations focused on creating/multiplying more Harmony type Breakfasts                  throughout the year with a diversity of people.

  • Connections were made. Kevin Kochka (college student who has a goal) and Carol Osborn met and arranged to meet and talk about the possibility of bringing a World Religion Class into the Poway Unified School District.