Open Doors

In by



Country: Canada
City: Edmonton, Alberta
Faith Communities Open Doors to Places of Worship February 1 to 10 In celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week For a growing list of Open Doors events, please visit our Events Calendar. We invite you to promote interfaith harmony, and make our greater community more inclusive. Please consider one or more of the following suggestions: – Foster a welcoming attitude to other faith communities who wish to learn more about you – Open your doors to others and promote your open house – Provide a meeting / learning place for others to attend a gathering – Extend invitations to the public in general and/or other faith groups – Encourage your faith community members to explore other’s events – Generate media interest in yours and other events of the week In support of your activity: The City of Edmonton, and many other municipalities will be issuing a Proclamation of the World Interfaith Harmony Week Edmonton Interfaith will be hosting a Film Fest Youth will be challenged to create a video about interfaith harmony to be shown at the Film Fest A video documentary is being proposed to show the concept and activities of faith communities An Edmonton Interfaith open Board night is planned for February 6 An interfaith concert is planned for February 10