“old and young.”

In by zeinab



Country: Netherlands
  • Organizer

    Stichting Interreligieus Beraad Segbroek, URI Netherlands CC

  • Location

    Den Haag / The Hague

Our theme was "old and young." In the months before the event, we had old people from different cultures being interviewed about their religion in their life by 13-year-old children from different backgrounds. And we filmed it. On Saturday, Feb 4th, we hosted a walk to visit different churches, mosques, and temples. On Monday, we hosted a discussion on 'The Hague as a city of compassion' and what we had to do to become such a city. A workgroup was formed. On Tuesday, we showcased parts of the interviews. We had a priest, an imam, and a pandit talking about 'old and young', and discussed with 25 people about how the theme resonated for them. On Wednesday, we held a meal for homeless people. On Friday, we hosted a game of 'Inter-religious BINGO!'