Murray State College: First Interfaith Harmony Week Event

In by rjacobspollez



Country: United States
City: Oklahoma


  • Organizer

    Dr. Rebecca Jacobs-Pollez and Susan Yeager

  • Location

    Murray State College, One Murray Campus, Tishomingo, OK 73460

  • Email

    [email protected]

This is Murray State College’s first WIHW event. We have already produced some programs emphasizing interfaith and for our first WIHW event we want students, faculty, and administration to start talking more deeply about the meaning of interfaith. Murray State College has worked with the Interfaith Youth Council in the past. The IFYC has created a set of cards containing questions that are designed to be conversation starters about interfaith issues. We have purchased some cards and will place them in the cafeteria, in the lobbies of various buildings, on the tables in the library, and other locations. We will put signs with the cards and ask students to talk with each other about the questions. We have scheduled an afternoon mixer with pizza on Thursday, February 6 for students, and anyone else, to come talk about their experience with the cards.