Milk & Blood: Female martyrology in Jewish and Christian traditions

In by zeinab


Country: United Kingdom
  • Organizer

    Dr Vanessa Paloma Elbaz

  • Location

    Davidson Room, Peterhouse (Cambridge)

  • Email

    [email protected]

At Peterhouse, musicologists, and scholars of religion and Old English are joining forces to mark the Feast day of Saint Agatha.

The schedule combines a series of lightning talks with musical performances, all linked to female martyrology, and drawing on Jewish and Christian traditions.


  • Nursing into Death the Limits of Motherhood Dr Tali Artman-Partock
  • Diabolical rage and female martyrs in late antiquity Dr Sophie Lunn Rockliffe
  • Ic þe mæg gesecgan: Martyrs’ speech as acts of defiance in the Old English Lives of Juliana and Agnes Dorothy Gardner
  • Sounding lineage into the land: the fertile body and the danger of (non)assimilation Dr Vanessa Paloma Elbaz
  • Susanna Fayre: Musings on a Sixteenth-Century Sensation Dr Anna Steppler

Musical Performances:

  • Hebrew Psalms 1, 121
  • Romances de Sol y Delgadina (Morocco and Turkey)
  • Dixit Agnes gloriosa by Richard Dering,  introduced by Dr. Alana Mailes
  • Susanne un jour  by Orlando Lassus
  • Susanne un giour d’Orlando Lasso by Claudio Merulo (1611)
  • Susana un jur Glosada de Hernando de Cabezon (1578)
Minni di Virgini cakes will provided as an appropriate refreshment.

About the organisers

Dr Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, a member of the Cambridge Interfaith Research Forum is a co-organiser and host of this Peterhouse event. Please contact her with any queries.