Meditation and Activism
Country: United States
City: WA, USA
City: WA, USA
Meditation and Activism provides a process for integrating meditative practice into our active lives.
This session will provide a process for integrating meditation with activism. In this session, we will explore and experience how this InterSpiritual 7-step meditation can help us to become an agent for positive change in the world. It will be an introduction to a book and a comprehensive online course By Dr. Ed Bastian that is endorsed by the Charter for Compassion, and co-sponsored by Spiritual Directors International and Antioch University.
This 7-step process is drawn from the world’s great spiritual and secular traditions. It empowers health, happiness, gratitude, transformation, love, mindfulness, wisdom and service. It celebrates diversity and inclusivity by fostering life meaning and purpose through activism in the important issues and relationships in our life.
Ed Bastian is the president of the Spiritual Paths Foundation and holds a PhD in Buddhist Studies. His primary research languages are Tibetan and Sanskrit. He is an award-winning author of “Living Fully Dying Well,” and author of ”InterSpiritual Meditation” and “Mandala: Creating an Authentic Spiritual Path.” He produced acclaimed documentaries on religion for the BBC and PBS, He is a former Smithsonian program director of BioDiversity and Intellectual History and teacher of Buddhism and world religions
Ed is on the faculty of Antioch University where he teaches Buddhism and Mindfulness Meditation. During the past 20 years, he has taught throughout the United States and Canada at such places as the Garrison Institute, One Spirit Interfaith, the Chaplaincy Institute, the Interspiritual Centre of Vancouver, the Esalen Institute, Omega Institute, Hollyhock, California Institute of Integral Studies, the Aspen Institute, Charter for Compassion, and the Parliament for World’s Religions.
Ed has been President of The Interfaith Initiative that hosts “Showers of Blessings” for our homeless neighbors and ECOFaith for environmental action. He has been a Global Trustee of the United Religions Initiative (URI) and the Executive Committee of the URI Environmental Network.