Mayor of Wellington’s Morning Tea with to acknowledge World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021
Country: New Zealand
City: Wellington, New Zealand
City: Wellington, New Zealand
Mayor of Wellington associated with the Wellington Interfaith Council
Mayors office, 113 The Terrace, Wellington (please head to level 16 on arrival)
Mayor of Wellington, Andy Foster invites Interfaith leaders and members of the Wellington Interfaith Council to: Morning tea to acknowledge World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, with Wellington City Council Councillors.
This event is by invitation only, starting with an Interfaith prayer, followed by contributions from the His Worship Andy Foster and interfaith leaders from the region.
Date: Friday 05 February 2021
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Mayors office, 113 The Terrace, Wellington (please head to level 16 on arrival)