Let’s Talk! Through Diversity
Country: Australia
City: Victoria, British Columbia
On Wednesday, 6 February, 2019, the Victoria Multifaith Society (VMS) will be honouring World Interfaith Harmony Week, by hosting the “Let’s Talk Through Diversity” event in collaboration with University of Victoria Multifaith Services, the Community Partnership Network, and UVic Equity and Human Rights.
The week is observed annually by the UN from February 1 – 7. VMS has been celebrating it for several years with a large weekend event featuring a multi-faith panel, refreshments and displays. This year we’ve changed to mid-week, gearing the event towards young people and students through a more intimate and interactive program, to include:
• Keynote speaker Dr. John Borrows, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria and a global leader in Indigenous law. Dr. Borrows will speak on “What has the process of Reconciliation taught us about talking to one another & creating harmony?”
• East Indian meal with small group discussions: “What’s been learned?”
• Student Panel from five different faith traditions speaking on “What from my spiritual tradition helps us talk through diversity?”
• Facilitated global café style discussion groups
• Interactive activities: Turban How-To’s, Headscarf Helpers, and Henna Hand-painting!
The event will be held at the UVic Interfaith Chapel, located at the entrance to Finnerty Gardens, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Wed. 6 Feb. 2019. Free tickets are available through our Eventbrite link.
City: Victoria, British Columbia