Let’s make bread together

In by tavolointerreligioso



Indian Academy Degree College

Hennur Cross, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore

Country: Italy
City: Roma


The Union of Italian Jewish Communities, the Italian Jewish Centre Il Pitigliani and the Interreligious Table in Rome invite you to bake bread together.

 6 February at 18.00 in the Piticaffè room via Arco dei Tolomei 1.

To participate it is necessary to register at: [email protected] by Monday 3rd February.

Symbol of the hearth and family, traditions and sharing, bread has always been the main food on our tables.

It is the food that unites us in everyday life, in celebrations and rituals.

We intend to celebrate it by creating together, many women with "hands in dough", united in the production of the oldest food.

At the end of the meeting, each one will bring with her a bread of the other to bake in the oven and the scent of the meeting will spread in the houses.