lecture on global and spritual aspects of Imam Khomeini,s movement

In by barati


Agan IDP Camp

makurdi, Benue, 970101, Nigeria

Country: Iran
City: Qom,IRAN

0098912 1932657

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  • Location

    QOM,saheli avenue,beside jomhouri bridge .Al_mustfafa opn university

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    [email protected]

Imam Khomeini was the clear manifestation of being God-centered. He had purified his soul from all carnal desires and had God-centeredness the essence of his knowledge and deeds.  

Imam Khomeini regarded the dissemination of principles of morality and spirituality among nations as the major purpose of the holy prophet’s mission.

Promotion of moral values also constituted one main concern of all Divine Messengers.

The holy prophet said in one of his traditions that he was sent and assigned to complete and promote the best moral and ethical values. Imam Khomeini revived these genuine teachings. 

Mab’ath marks  (Holy Prophet Muhammad’s, peace be upon him and his progeny, official appointment to the Prophetic Mission) signals the turning point in the history of the world as the Seal of Messengers with the final revelation was finally brought into this material world.

Imam Khomeini said in some of historic messages in this regard as following:

"The purpose of the bi‘that is the descent of Divine Inspiration and the Qur’an; and the purpose of recitation and pondering upon the Qur’an is to guide man to attain self-purification and the purification of the souls from the darkness that is present within them so that man’s soul and mind gains the preparedness for understanding the Book and its Wisdom."

(Sahifeh-ye-Imam, Vol.14, page 335)

on this day we had a cultural lecture program by his eminence Hojjatul-Islam Doctor ABBASALI BARATI  about the  above mentioned topic.