IRF Roundtable

In by zeinab



Country: United States
Briefly enter your name and organization affiliation to RSVP to our first in person IRF Roundtable since March of 2020!
To note:
* This in person IRF Roundtable will be held on Monday, January 30, 2023 at 2:00pm EST
* The deadline to RSVP is Thursday,  January 26, at 5:000 pm EST. Please RSVP once per roundtable.
Reminder 1: this meeting is off the record. Everyone shall follow the Chatham House Rule. Any information disclosed during the meeting may be reported by those present but the source of that information may not be explicitly or implicitly identified. NO video or audio taping is allowed. Reminder 2: the IRF Roundtable has always been a safe space where survivors of persecution and representatives of all faiths and none can pull together and stand up for each other's freedom of thought, conscience, and religion on the basis of mutual respect, trust, and reliance. Everyone shall follow the Golden Rule and respect the right of each individual participant to speak at the Roundtable, design and launch advocacy initiatives, and self-select into multi-faith coalitions of the willing. Participants may not start arguments, speak ill of, or in any way target or attack any individual participant or group at the Roundtable.