Interworldview dialogue and Fraternity

In by Heidi Rautionmaa



Country: Finland
City: Espoo
  • Organizer

    University in Helsinki, Helinä Rautavaaran museo and Faiths Without Borders/ Uskot ilman rajoja, URI CC

  • Email

    [email protected]

On International Fraternity Day

people are welcome to attend this event through Zoom:
Meeting ID: 641 5083 4733 Passcode: 938410

Interworldview dialgue and Fraternity


Helinä Rautavaara and interworldview dialogue, Arto Kallioniemi, UNESCO Professor                                                                                                          Helinä Rautavaara Museo as a place for interaction and encounters, Ilona Niinikangas, a director of the museum
Roots, music by Lars Silén, Faiths Without Borders/Uskot ilman rajoja ry. URI CC
ABC - guide for interworldview dialogue education , Heidi Rautionmaa, a specialist on interfaith dialogue and education, PhD Student
An imam and a priest promoting dialogue, Omer Mahamed Hussein and Gabriel Salmela OP                                                                                                    Creating spaces for Diversity of Worldviews in Early Childhood Education, Silja Lamminmäki-Vartia, a project planner, PhD Student

Group discussion: How do I do interworldview dialogue? What do I hope for? What we can do together?
Closing words, Arto Kallioniemi, UNESCO Professor

Welcome to celebrate UN World Interfaith Harmony Week!  This event is organized by

University in Helsinki/UNESCO Professor Arto Kallioniemi, Helinä Rautavaaran museo and Uskot ilman rajoja ry. / Faiths Without Borders URI CC.                                                                                                                                                                (The photo is taken last year.)