International Interfaith Conference
Indian Academy Degree College
Hennur Cross, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore
Country: India
City: Bangalore
BIRDS is a Community Based Organization of the Society of the Sacred Heart Brothers which works for the upliftment and development of the backward and downtrodden communities in the state of Karnataka, India. BIRDS is a part of the Subaltern Alliance for Peace (SAP), a network (an apex forum) of NGOs working for promotion of peace and reconciliation among marginalised communities, particularly Dalits, Adivasis and Minorities. This initiative is supported by Mensen met eenMissie, The Netherlands. SAP envisages building resilience among local communities to counter violence and create a culture of peace The over-arching Goal of SAP is to “contribute towards a peaceful & dignified coexistence of Dalits, Adivasis and other minorities with other communities exercising their rightful claims/entitlements”.
In order to commemorate the UN Interfaith week, SAP is organising a conference on the theme “Interfaith Initiatives in Promoting Peace and Reconciliation” on February 8th and 9th, 2019 in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Theme: “Interfaith Initiatives in Promoting Peace and Reconciliation with specific reference to religious values and tradition.”
Objectives of the Conference
• Gainperspectives on peace building and conflict resolution in todays context, and developa conceptual apparatus for understanding contemporary peace building efforts, especially in India
• Understand concepts that are considered in detail including violence, truce, justice, trauma, peacekeeping, reconciliation, anomie, truth, healing and resolution, with special attention to those situations where peace processes have consistently failed to achieve their goals.
• Strengthen ecumenical advocacy for peace by bringing key stakeholders together to share existing initiatives and best practices on advocacy for peace in India.
• Develop a joint advocacy plan for peacebuilding in the India considering national, regional and international factors contributing to the conflict
City: Bangalore