Interfaith Study Circle – Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

In by zeinab



Country: United States
  • Organizer

    Baha'is Of Laramie and Albany County

  • Location


Topic of the Study Circle: Reflections on the Life of the Spirit
Study Material: Reflections on the Life of the Spirit (Baha’i Ruhi Book 1), plus interfaith scriptures and inspirational writings
Why you might enjoy this study circle: This book is the first in a series produced by the Bahai Faith delving into important spiritual concepts contained in the teachings of Baha’u’llah. In our study, we will broaden the material to include Holy Writings from all of the major Faiths and explore these concepts from multiple perspectives; an Interfaith exploration.
In this study, we will explore how reading the Holy Writings on a daily basis gives us strength and comfort; the power of Prayer in our personal lives and in support of others; and finally, the deeper meanings of life and what all Faiths tell us about life after death. The conversations tend to explore the very basic questions of our human experience; Why are we here; What is our purpose; and How can we live fulfilling lives?
If you would like to receive the Zoom Invitation and receive more information regarding this course, please reply back to this email as soon as possible.
If you’ve had a chance to participate in our bi-weekly Elevated Conversations devotional, you’ve already experienced the synergy that exists in the teachings of the various Prophets. This study will be a deeper dive designed to facilitate daily application of spiritual teachings in our lives. I think you will really appreciate the depth and breath of the conversations that this material inspires. We welcome you to join us and we would love to hear your perspective.