Interfaith Prayers for Love And Peace

In by zeinab



Country: Philippines
  • Organizer

    The Uniharmony Partners Manila

Amid suffering, ill-treatment, fear, adversity, suspension of classes for some learning institutions, and even the cancellation of an event prepared three months before supposedly for February 7, Uniharmony Partners Manila (UPM) members offered Interfaith Prayers of Safety from the Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic. The Head Abbess Venerable Miao Jing of the Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple, Dharma Brother Erwin Choa, president of the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA), Dharma Sister Luisa So, deputy secretary of Guang Ming College, Patrick Tanunliong, friends of the FGSMT and the UPM members were together in this particular afternoon. All dedicated a prayer “seeking compassion and blessings so that many will have the courage and wisdom to confront the outbreak with calmness and fortitude…” Invited Catholics, followers of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Muslim, and Indigenous People prayed in their respective faith tradition. Here is an excerpt of a prayer our Buddhist friends shared that day: “Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, as cities become sealed off, and events are suspended, we are in dire need of the spirit of your alleviating suffering. Let us care and help one another and not be struck with panic. Let us support and encourage one another to strengthen our faith. May the momentary isolation become retreats for self-introspection. May the momentary inconvenience become mindful practices of self-improvement. This is the moment when unity is most crucial; let us trust the government to resolve the crisis. Let us thank the medical professionals for treating the disease. No matter how difficult the situation, as long as there are compassion and wisdom, when we all practice the Three Acts of Goodness: Do good deeds, speak good words, and think good thoughts, if we all protect the environment and have respect for all lives, we shall be able to turn peril into safety. We pray for your blessings. Please help the survivors be delivered from suffering and recover their good health; Please help the deceased be reborn in Buddhaland, and rest well in peace. May this world be free from the turmoil of outbreaks. May every one of us be safe and well. Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, please accept my sincerest prayer! Then there was a presentation of interfaith activities, messages from interfaith leaders and ringing of the bell, and then the sharing of the token of appreciation. Yes, amid the challenges we are facing as global citizens, religious belief allows people to better cope with adverse life events.