Interfaith Prayer and Discussion

In by zeinab



Country: Australia
  • Organizer

    Siva Peri Analai Ananthan

  • Location


Peter Mousaferiadis, CEO, Cultural Infusion, will be giving a talk tomorrow 11/7/20240 at our weekly Thursday interfaith meeting at 7 pm Sydney time.
Peter Mousaferiadisis an internationally recognized thought leader in culture as a driver of progress, social cohesion, and innovation, with a career as a conductor and creative director of some of the largest intercultural productions in the world. In 2002, he founded Cultural Infusion, which includes Diversity Atlas, a data-driven tool used worldwide for measuring and understanding diversity in organizations. Cultural Infusion aims to create a culturally harmonious world through its brands, creative services, and award-winning digital initiatives. It has provided services to over 25 countries, and its education program which utilises the arts as a primary drivers is delivered to more than 350,000 students annually.
Meeting ID: 833 1432 3881
Passcode: 18171112
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