Country: United States
City: Hawaii
Activity #1
February 3rd Thursday 10-:00-11:30 AM Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ Common East-West Religious Themes~
Leaders from five major faith traditions responds to the notion that there is more that binds us than divides us.
Moderator: Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Lynch
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Kawika David Jackson (Episcopal Minister, All Saints, Kapa’a Kauai)
Responders: Matiullah Joyia – Islam
Rev. Blayne Higa – Buddhism
Audrey Kitagawa -- Hinduism
To join this activity on Thursday February 3rd at 10:00 AM, CLICK on this link:
Sponsored by: International Academy for Interfaith Studies
Activity #2
February 11th Monday 7-:00 AM, Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ Spirituality & Sustainability - The Role of Religion & Rights to strive for the UN Sustainable Development Goals Around the Globe ~
To join this activity on Friday, February 11th at 7:00 AM, HST. CLICK on this link:
Activity #3
February 14th Monday 12-:00 Noon, Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ Overcoming Prejudice with Aloha – A Jewish-Muslim Dialog ~
Although Jews and Muslims have been persecuted for ages, and antagonistic to each other despite their common heritage and similar traditions, Aloha can show the way to tolerance and harmony.
Rabbi Weiner, Temple Emanu-El Honolulu
Matiullah Joyia, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Hawaii
Greg Kinkley,
Murat Arabaci, Pacifica Institute
Roger Epstein,
To join this Activity on Thursday February 14th at 12:00 NOON, CLICK on this link:
Activity #4
February 15th Tuesday 6:30-8:00 PM Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ Experience the Power of Love Peace Harmony~
This is an interactive Activity of singing, meditation, and calligraphy to bring love, peace, and harmony to the world and all faiths, and much happiness and inner joy.
Program Directors
Shunya Richard Barton
Diane Fujio,
To join this Activity on Tuesday February 15th at 6:00 PM, CLICK on this link:
Sponsored by: Peace, Love, Harmony Foundation
Activity #5
February 17th Thursday 7:00 PM Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ World Interfaith Candlelight Peace Prayer ~
Leaders from several faith traditions will offer prayers from their tradition and share the flame of hope, love, and harmony.
Moderator: Dr. Jeff Nakama.
To join this Activity on Thursday February 17th at 7:00 PM, CLICK on this link:
Meeting ID: 622 720 328
Sponsored by: Universal Peace Federation
Activity #6
February 19th Saturday 2:00 PM EDT = 9:00 AM Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ The Gift of Aloha (Love) Pacific Islanders and Indigenous People Share Their Sacred Values ~
This is a panel Discussion moderated by Audrey Kitagawa. The panel will discuss the Indigenous People’s values, and sacred relationship with the land, nature, and people, and how these values are being implemented in their work.
1. Chris Peters, 7th Generation Fund (Indigenous Person)
2. Upolu Vaai, President, Pacific Theological College (Fiji)
3. Dr. Manulani Meyer, Associate Specialist, Student Affairs University of Hawaii West O`ahu
4. Maui Solomon, Indigenous Moriori (preceded the Maoris), New Zealand
5. Dr. Papalil Failautusi Aveglaio, Jr, founder of Pacific Business Center, University of Hawaii. (Samoa)
To Register in Advance for the link to this this event CLICK on this link:
Sponsored by: International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation
Activity #7
February 21st Monday 4:00 PM Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ World’s Religions Conference - Compassion in My Regions’ Founders ~
This interfaith conference highlights the common theme of compassion found in all world religions. Participants will witness the magnificent teachings of each world religion through hymns/poems followed by each religion’s representative to share their teachings.
To join this Activity on Monday February 21st CLICK on this link:
Sponsored by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Hawaii
Activity #8
February 22nd Tuesday 2:00 PM EDT = 9:00 AM Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on Zoom.
~ The Gift of Aloha (Love) In Global Challenges ~
This panel discussion, moderated by Audrey Kitagawa, focuses on global challenges facing humanity. The speakers share how their work seeks to make this world a better place, whether dealing with the nuclear threat, human security and well-being, the fallout of the US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the massive public health problems with sanitation in India, and mobilizing civil society around the world to come together in goodwill and peace. These internationalists will offer prayers and important perspectives of hope and inspiration in troubling times.
1. Bishop William Swing, President/Founder of United Religions Initiative (URI)
2. Jonathan Glenn Granoff, President, (Global Security Institute)
3. Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Executive Director of Afghan Learning Institute
4. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Secretary General of International WASH Alliance
5. Ben Bowler, President, Unity Earth
To Register in Advance for the link to this this event CLICK on this link:
Sponsored by: International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation