Starts in 2 Days, 7 Hours
Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
Dialogue through sports in the largest slum in Africa, Kibera Slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Sports especially soccer in Kenya brings many people together. Interfaith Network - Kenya has organized a soccer clinics and camps for youths aged between 14 years and 19 years. The events will bring together youths from Muslims, Christians and Hindus. The event will involve religious leaders and community leaders who will be the resource persons. They will encourage the youths to live in harmony and coexist peacefully in the slums despite their religious background. In the last day of the clinic and camps we will plant trees in six schools and a local hospital. Some youths have been radicalized and been extremist's in faith slums hence fueling religious conflict. Sport is one avenue that can bring youths together who have always been suspicious to each other.