Country: Bangladesh
World Record Holder & URI
GLTS, Barguna, District team
Interfaith Movement and Tree Distribution Campaign
Our next program was the interfaith movement to aware local people, tree distribution and plantation.
People from the rural or native areas don't get that much of chances of quality education and higher
studies. These are the major cause of religious violence. They have strong faith in their religion but at
the end of the day, it's just dogmatism, nothing more than that.
So, we have to take proper initiatives to aware these people. That's why we stand with some placards
at the top five monuments in the city and talked to passersby and other people, explained them what
is interfaith and importance of interfaith harmony for us. Interfaith illiteracy or quality less education
can make these people an evil army. This army can be used to succeed some people’s bad intentions.
Because they are like that kind of people, who can't make any justification between what is right or
wrong and in the case of religion they are like the blind vulture. We have to be cautious about this
thing that bad people can't use these native or rural peoples for their benefits. And this scheduled
program we ended up distributing trees to the people and plating some trees in some religious places.