Interfaith Harmony Week is Concluded by Prayer

In by Khanaljee





Country: Nepal
City: Kathmandu


  • Organizer

    Dharmik Chautari Nepal

  • Location

    Pandey Residency, Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu

  • Email

    [email protected]

Feb 7, 2020 Representing from major religious groups, the Religious leaders met to conclude the World Interfaith Harmony Week at the residence of Mr. Narendra Pandey, one of the Bahaa'i leaders in Nepal. Reading from different religious Scriptures on "love" which is the theme of the interfaith harmony week, we contemplated on how we all could respectfully love and care for each other.  Religious leaders from Hindu, Buddhist, Christianity, Jain and Bahaa'i attended the the meeting and led the prayer asking Heavenly intervention over the nova corona epidemic in China, locust swarms in Pakistan and political issues in Nepal.