Interfaith Drum Circle- Closing ceremony

In by Surrey Interfaith



Country: Canada
City: Surrey
Surrey Interfaith Council’s closing event for United Nations World Harmony Week was an interfaith, intercultural, and intergenerational indigenous led drum circle. This event was hosted by both the Surrey Interfaith Council and the White Rock South Surrey Jewish Community Center. It was family friendly with many children in attendance. Chief Harley Chappell of the Semiahmoo First Nation was present and provided the territorial acknowledgement and opening remarks leading us into a warm and welcoming convergence. Knowledge Keeper Steven Seegerts lead our program with an opening smudge and prayers for all in the attendance which immediately elevated us and the program into the realm of the spiritual. He then engaged us all in connecting with the shared rhythm of our hearts as we drummed together alongside other members of indigenous bands from neighboring territories. They too led us in storytelling, songs and meaningful and inspired spiritual reflections. Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. was also in attendance as an honored guest and added to the spiritual resonance of the evening by leading us in Dakota chants and dancing -- as well as offering "fireside style" storytelling engaging the children and adults in shared dialogue and learning. The evening ended with interfaith prayers for those affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria which included a heartfelt call to action to assist those in need as well as a shared prayer for Peace to Prevail on Earth.