Interfaith Dialogue

In by zeinab



Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
  • Organizer

    Vision Young Mothers (Visionary Women Group)

  • Location

    Makina Library Hall

The theme for our event was Gratitude. By fostering a sense of gratitude in relation to World Interfaith Harmony Week, Visionary Women Group held an interfaith dialogue between the Christian and Muslim faiths in Kibra Constituency, Nairobi, Kenya to express their religious convictions and embrace each other. Discussing the link of terrorism with the Islamic faith was the main topic. The event was held on 07.02.2020 at Makina Library Hall, Nairobi, Kenya from 2.00pm-5.00pm. Persons present were the Visionary Women Group, youth groups, village elders, and religious leaders from both faiths, making a total of 42 participants. The link of terrorism with the Islamic faith in Kenya was the main agenda item, as its effects are massive for all citizens regardless of race, colour, or religion. The moderator was from the Islamic faith, and also known as a Sheikh. The effect of terrorism on the common Kenyan citizen was addressed by both parties. The Muslims clearly stated that the scriptures and Islamic history promote compassion, justice, gratitude, and peace, but some sects are victims of extremism. The Sheikh emphasised that terrorism has no place in the Islamic faith, and the Islamic holy book (Quran) clearly states that, when a person kills another, it is as though he has killed the whole of mankind. It came out clearly that terrorism has no religion, but terrorists are highly-paid killers that kill people for money and fame. The peak of the event was crowned by a peace pledge from the participants and a vow to never engage in any activity that will cause havoc or terror to anyone, and to be each others' keepers. The event impacted all the participants by giving them a clear knowledge of terrorism and its effects. Misconceptions on terrorism also came out clearly, as terrorism has a direct impact on the enjoyment of fundamental human rights.