“In fine la Luce! Un dialogo sul senso della vita e dell’oltre”

In by Unione Induista Italiana



Country: Italy
City: Rome \ Milan
  • Organizer

    COREIS (Comunità religiosa islamica italiana); Italian Hindu Union - Sanatana Dharma Samgha

  • Email

    [email protected]

Online events on Facebook of Unione Induista Italiana–Sanatana Dharma Samgha.

Sunday 7th February h.17-20.30 CET

In occasion of the World Interfaith Harmony Week WIHW, established by the United Nations.

The Unione Induista Italiana UII and the Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana COREIS have promoted an online event to reflect and dialogue on the theme:

Harmony in life and death.


The pandemic emergency and crisis have compelled nations to face the necessity of change and adaptation. Religious communities have been called to reflect on a deeper perspective of life, on the sense and value of life in this world, but also on a necessary preparation for the Other world, on life after death.

Disease, cure and healing have alternated followed by the impossibility of accompanying deceased relatives and friends. The new laws regulating community prayer are followed by the regulations for burial interweaving ancient traditions in different ways and means.

Eschatology is a common term but has different meanings and interpretations in the doctrines of the various faith communities: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The online conference will open a discussion among some representatives of various religious communities in Italy.



Institutional greetings:

On.le Viceministro Manuela Claudia Del Re, Viceministro agli Affari esteri e alla cooperazione internazionale. (MAECI)

H.E. Amb. Neena Malhotra, Ambassador of India in Italy 

*Pref. Alessandra Camporota, Direzione Centrale degli Affari dei Culti,

Ministero degli Interni. Direzione Centrale per l’amministrazione del Fondo Edifici di Culto.


With religious representatives:

Svamimi Hamsananda Ghiri, Hindu monk and Vice president Unione Induista Italiana–Sanatana Dharma Samgha.

*Archimandrita Simeon Catsinas

*Rabbino Alfonso Arbib, Rabbino capo comunità ebraica di Milano.

Don Giuliano Savina, Direttore UNEDI, Conferenza Episcopale Italiana.

Elena Seishin Viviani, Kokusai Fukyoshi Zen Soto tradition; Vice president Unione Buddhista Italiana.

Imam Yahya Pallavicini, President of Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana–COREIS.

Letizia Tomassone, pastora Chiesa valdese e metodista di Firenze; docente incaricata di "Studi femministi e di genere" alla Facoltà Valdese di Teologia di Roma.


Artistic contributions:

Hindu tradition - Classical Indian dance by Upadhye School of Dance and Atmananda Talavidya.

Islamic tradition - Sukun Ensamble

Christian tradition - Orchestra classica di Allegro Moderato cooperativa sociale

Jewish tradition - Maestro Maurizio Di Veroli

Buddhist tradition - dances by Annamaria Gyoetsu Epifania and Guglielmo Doryu Cappelli from Centro Zen Anshin, member of Unione Buddhista Italiana; Tamburi Fudendaiko.


Readings by actors of Associazione Culturale Cattivi Maestri of Savona.


A small tribute dedicated to Dante Alighieri in occasion of the 700th anniversary since his death.


Both online events are accredited by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research)

*to be confirmed